Hot or cold, our best ever fried chicken, crispy and golden brown, will be a winner at every summer party. Try our tasty variations including Chili-Lime,...
There is nothing more that I want on a chilly fall day than a comforting meal, and this my friends is what it takes to warm you and your taste buds up....
The addition of a small amount of miso enriches the broth, giving it a more full-bodied flavor. And using fresh pasta in place of the typical dried noodles...
This easy pumpkin pie recipe is a blend of pumpkin puree, sugar, heavy cream and pumpkin pie spice, baked in a par-baked pie crust and topped with whipped...
This beauty takes me straight back to my childhood. I remember this being made for me as a kid and I actually thought it was real magic! Of course now...
What happens when you have a bottle of sweet chili sauce, a lime, soy sauce and ginger? It becomes every flavor you need in one bite, hitting the sweet,...
Vegan Slow Cooker Dumpling Stew: This warming and hearty stew is perfect to welcome in the colder months. Portobello mushrooms work best for their 'meaty'...
Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans are big on this classic recipe. We vary a bit but the end result is very similar. These are usually served as a side...
Broccoli-cheese soup is my life. There's something about it that triggers a happy, peaceful memory. That's why I'm sharing my easy broccoli cheese soup...
The creamy pink color of the salad is just too much to resist, with crushed pineapples and sweet marshmallows hidden inside. This cool and fresh salad...
Battered french fries are a tantalizing twist on ordinary fries. Peel and slice russet potatoes, fry them quickly and cool. Dip cooled fries into evaporated...
The sweet pumpkin custard surrounds the ruffled layers of golden crispy fillo which gets adorned with a dusting of powdered sugar and cinnamon just before...
This deep-fried jalapeño tops recipe from Paula Deen is a vegetarian appetizer featuring a blue cheese dipping sauce. Ingredients include beer, fry mix...
This quiche has all the fixins of a loaded baked potato -- in a flaky pastry! Great for a weekend brunch, it can be made a day ahead and reheated in a...
This is pyro-cooking at its best! Lighting Brandy on fire presents an impressive demonstration to your friends. Smoked paprika gives this dish a depth...
Pair these roasted herbed potatoes with grilled steak, chicken or fish. This simple recipe calls for Yukon Gold potatoes seasoned with rosemary, chives,...
Cheesy Baked Broccoli Gnocchi is a comforting one-pan dinner! This is a potential family favorite dinner for any season. Creamy, cheesy, bubbly, and comes...
Enjoy pillowy, sugary New Orleans-style Beignets right at home. Start the dough the night before, and let it rise slowly overnight for a sweet breakfast,...
Classic Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy! It's ready in under an hour and cooks all in one skillet. Just like mom used to make. Serve with buttered...
This deep-fried lasagna recipe from Paula Deen is a comfort food meal perfect for entertaining. Ingredients include lasagna noodles, ground beef, cream...
Quick, easy, healthy and delicious vegetarian main course. It's a perfect meatless weeknight dinner that can be on the table in half an hour, start to...
These mini kievs are more flavourful than your basic nugget, and the roasted garlic dip is garlicky without the heat- perfect for sharing or for scoffing....
For this recipe, I've decided to use kale instead of spinach and deliciously creamy cheese in place of the yogurt. I find that kale adds a meatiness to...
Southern Fried Green Tomato Caprese is a mouth-watering appetizer combining a traditional Caprese salad with southern cornmeal-fried green tomatoes. fried...
You'll return bite after bite to this plate of Air Fryer Buffalo Cauliflower! The air fryer makes quick work of the cauliflower, turning it crispy on the...
This easy southern warm turnip green dip recipe from Paula Deen is a comfort food appetizers perfect for entertaining. Ingredients include bacon, cream...
The combination and the amount used of special chicken and veggies, as well as the seasoning/aromatics and the six hours of cooking time, result in a heavenly...